Thursday, March 5, 2015


New baby "Jacob Sheep" lamb
March has started off quite cold, but that sunshine sure is nice. It makes our solar unit hum with happiness as it generates power for the farm.

The month of March for Dreamfarm is the start of our busy season. We have six does that have kidded and three sheep have lambed. Another sheep is lambing as I write, and I will check on her as soon as I finish this note. We have 25 does and four sheep still waiting to give birth. Most of them are due within the week and with the full moon, it can create the mood for all this to happen!

Baby lamb
 warming up in the sun
With the abundance of milk from the does, cheesemaking will begin at the end of the month. The cheeserie is ready: all walls and floors have been scrubbed, old caulk was removed from the base where the floor meets the wall, and new caulk applied. The equipment, drain tables, cheese molds, tools, etc. are washed and ready to be put into action.  While we wait to make cheese, our time is filled with the care and feeding of the baby goats. Most does have twins or triplets, so we expect about 60 babies this season. They are bottle fed so a close bond is established between us. Because we do not milk our sheep, the lambs are nursed by their mothers.

Dreamfarm still has cheese shares available through our CSA. Check out our website at for more information, we offer an online sign-up for convenience.

Nelle, our Jersey cow and her goat friend Dorla
We encourage you to come out to the FairShare CSA Open House this Sunday, March 8, from 1:00-4:00 p.m. at the Monona Terrace.

There are over 35 CSA Farms participating, along with workshops, fun activities and information help areas. The Natural Family Expo is going on at the same time. Please plan to attend both for a full day of exploring.

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