Friday, February 1, 2013

Welcome to Dreamfarm’s 2013 CSA season
This year our farm is celebrating its 10th season as a CSA farm.  We thank all of you who have supported us and we are honored to be producing our farmstead goat cheese for you!
With February upon us, Dreamfarm is gearing up for the season.  These winter months have been spent planning and preparing for the CSA season.  Our website, is updated and the 2013 order form is ready. Please consider joining our Farmstead Goat Cheese CSA this year, we would love to have you join us.

Dreamfarm is a member of the FairShare  CSA Coalition. FairShare has teamed up with Heartland Credit Union for the “Give Local” campaign, a campaign to raise funds to help low income households. Here is what Kiera, the Director for FairShare  CSA Coalition, passes on to you:
     "Thanks to all our supporters who've already contributed their dollars to help families of modest means afford to eat healthy, fresh food from local farms. If you haven't given yet, we're down to the wire! The campaign closes at 5 p.m. Friday, Feb. 1.
Dozens of local families will be connected to area CSA farms thanks to your help in this year's Give Local campaign. We're two thirds of the way to our goal. If the community raises $5,000 for FairShare, then Heartland Credit Union will match that gift with another $5,000.
This is our last big push! Please give now and Heartland CU will DOUBLE your donation! You may also drop off a check made out to FairShare at any Heartland CU branch.
Watch the story on the links below to see that families are getting much more than fresh food when they get a CSA share through Partner Shares. It's a deeper connection to the land and each other.”                                                   

Sincerely with the love of great food,
Diana, Jim and Alicia Murphy

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your 10 years as a CSA, Murphy family!


We're always happy for your feedback, please share your thoughts! We'll try to answer any of your questions in the next blog post.