Monday, April 14, 2014

Seven Little Piggies

Dreamfarm welcomes seven new members to the menagerie.  Jim picked up the piglets on Saturday morning and settled them into their new pasture.  With the nation-wide pig virus epidemic going around, Jim was asked to back the trailer up to the beginning of the driveway and remain in the truck.  The farmer met Jim at the end of his driveway and had the little piglets ready to move into our trailer.  He is being very cautious about protecting his livestock from this virus.  Our seven little piglets have arrived healthy and despite this spontaneous snowfall they are enjoying and exploring their new haven.

Their new home includes 1.5 acres of wooded pasture, which gives them lots of space to root around. And with cheese making in progress, these 7 little pigs will have lots of organic whey to consume. We will raise these pigs until late October, then they will be available for sale as a half or whole pork, cut to individual specifications. Let us know if you are interested in purchasing our pork. Orders fill up fast with the limited quantity.

Just a reminder, we still have cheese shares available for the 2014 season. Check out our website for more information and the online sign up form --


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

2014 CSA shares still available!!

The Dreamfarm milking goats are producing very well despite this slow spring we've had.  They have proven that a long, harsh winter isn't going to stop them.  However, as humans, we are waking up a bit slower.  As it gradually warms up outside, it is a challenge for our minds to warm up and begin to think about where our food will come from this season.  Soon it will be time to plant our gardens and have fresh, local food for our tables.  Dreamfarm has proudly delivered CSA cheese shares for ten years. We are looking forward to this eleventh season, hoping many of you will join us.  We still have shares left and our ladies are eager to produce the milk for your cheese.  We are partnered with Vermont Valley Community Farm which allows us to have the same drop-sites and schedule delivery.  However, you do not need to be a member of Vermont Valley to receive a Dreamfarm cheese share.  Goat cheese is always a great addition to fresh vegetables!  You can find easy access to our sign up form on our website at

H A P P Y  E A T I N G ! !