Pick-Up Date: May 10, 2012
Sites: Dreamfarm, Baldwin, Crestwood, Cross Plains, Vermont Valley Farm, Hampshire, HospiceCare, Jackson, Just Coffee, Mason, Middleton Hills, Monona, Mt. Horeb, Nakoma, Oakridge, Orchard Ridge, Parmenter EOW and Standard (together), Seminole, Shorewood, UW-Hospital, Verona, West Lawn
Cheese of the Week: Chive! Fresh Cheese
Important Notes: A kind reminder about the glass jars. Please rinse and clean your jar and lid and return them to your pick-up...AND it would help us out A LOT if you could please remove the label from the lid before returning it. Thank you in advance!
Back in the Cheese - Spring Cheese CSA!
The second (and last) delivery for the Spring Share is this Thursday, May 10. We harvested young chive and garlic chive to add to your cheese. This brings a nice fresh spring flare to the cheese. Let us know how you like it. Your feedback is helpful.
Summer shares will begin in June. We will notify our summer shareholders when your first pickup begins.
It has been a very busy spring on Dreamfarm. We had over 65 kids (baby goats) born from March 1 through April 22. We decided to raise all the kids this year. In past years, we sold most of the babies when they were about 2 weeks old. So this means many mouths to feed, and they are all getting milk, every day. We start out by bottle feeding each individual baby. After a couple of days, we teach them to drink from a "nipple bucket". The nipple bucket can feed 10 kids at a time.Most of the kids catch on to this fast and learn that the faster they drink, the more they can get. They are on milk for about 12 weeks, which means we are getting ready to wean some of the older kids. They are eating some grain and pasture, the transition should go well.
We had 11 students from the University of Wisconsin Rural Sociology class come and help on the farm on April 29. They were a bunch of hard workers as they helped us move chickens to new pasture, they cleared brush from our pig pasture and helped remove old fencing. It is great to talk with these students and hear about their goals.
There is so much happening on the farm. We will update you soon. Please enjoy your cheese share, and please help us by returning your jar and cover, and please peel off the label first, the would be a great help.