One afternoon Alicia and I made two pens outside for the baby goats as they will be outside from now on. It was interesting trying to get them to follow us to their new home; they kept scampering back to the familiar barn so we eventually carried them one by one to their pens. It was really sweet watching them experience the sunlight and fresh grass for the first time.
After lunch we collect eggs from the five hen houses and lay new straw in their roosts if needed. I have decided I am not a fan of chickens but I love their eggs so I can't complain! The eggs are washed by hand and Diana puts them into cartons for market after they are dry.
We also clean pens in the barn (Yes! It is gross!) and then the farm chores start! All of the animals need to be fed before evening and this takes around 2 hours, which is on the light side I am told, since there will be more to do as the season progresses and as more animals are added to the farm. We are getting pigs soon!
All of the chickens are given grain in their troughs and water is refreshed. The lady goats receive generous portions of fresh hay and the three youngest baby goats are bottle fed warm goats milk! It's as cute and charming as you would imagine it to be! I'm in heaven! The dogs and cats are next. P.S. Marley is at our side the entire time "herding" the animals and terrorizing one of the cats she likes to pick on. After the goats are fed we take hay out to the sheep and jersey cows and look for more eggs the chickens like to lay in various places on the farm. At the end of chores we take buckets of milk with nipple attachments out to the pens and feed the rest of the baby goats. They like to play and distract themselves so we are constantly putting them back on the nipples to make sure they are eating enough. They love climbing up our legs and nibbling anything they can get their little mouths on.
This is an ordinary day at the farm ~ the work is onstant but rewarding at the end of the day. I'm looking forward to this season with Dreamfarm.