Kids are here, Milk is flowing.....
February 23 marked the start of the official "kidding season". We had 2 goats kid in late January, that is because we bred those 2 mothers early. We have 15 babies and many more to come. On Sunday, March 2 we had 2 sets of twins and today a set of twins and a set of triplets have been born.
I had a bit of a scare this morning. I walked into the barn at 4:45 a.m. I turned on the main light, then walked into the back barn to check on the babies. There was no electricity, so the heat lamps were off. I could hear no sounds coming from the babies and it was too dark to see them. I thought they all froze in the very cold night. I ran to the house to get a flashlight, ran back to the barn and shined the flashlight into the baby pens. All the babies were fine, whew! Then I needed to scramble to get all the kids together and warmed up. I have a temporary heat lamp set up, and am still waiting for the electrician. There was electricity to use my milking machine, but no light in the milkroom. The goats were milked in the dark, "a little mood lighting."
With milk now available, cheese making will soon start. We have shares available if you would like a Dreamfarm Cheese Share. Check out our website at We hope you will join us.